A Telesales Telemarketing Teleprospecting Target Marketing Company
We make good businesses great and great businesses even better.
A telesales, telemarketing, teleprospecting & target marketing company that knows understands and puts into practice telemarketing, targeted marketing and advertising techniques for our clients to achieve consistent desired and sustainable growth.
Our specialty is New Account Acquisition. This is teleprospecting, telesales and target marketing
put together in one seamless attack. This is not just advertising, not marketing,
not telemarketing, not a manufacturer’s rep service but a different way for you to
gain new accounts and grow your business fast.
Our focus is on working to become a part of our client’s sales and marketing team in a seamless, invisible way to help propel their business to the next level. We will get to know you, understand you, sell you!
So no matter what your need in your companies lead generation be it hot leads, pre-qualified prospects or sales appointments the neutral accent appointment setters at Larson can zero in on the kind of accounts you not only want but need for your business to grow.
In continuous business since 1975, we are a leading provider of business
development, telemarketing, advertising and marketing solutions specializing
in the marketing of both complex and simple business product/services. The
scope of our services include development of web-integrated proactive marketing CRM tools, end-to-end delivery of business intelligence and sales leads, active targeted marketing attracts, direct mail, brochures, catalogs, outbound/outsourced telesales attacks.
We are New Account Acquisition Specialists.
- 1st we learn about your business.
- 2nd we take your list or build you a list of potential customers.
- 3rd we market you into those prospects and hand over to you prequalified people and companies.
We offer various pricing plans to coincide with your marketing budget. Our professional staff will be trained exclusively in your business, competition and customers. Our staff then engages and qualifies prospects using the same qualification criteria that you and your sales team use
100% of our staff is located in the USA